About Us…
The CrossRoad Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church located in Savannah, Ga. We were originally established on August 14, 1951 as the Burkhalter Baptist Church under the sponsorship of the Taliaferro Baptist Church (now known as the Whitemarsh Island Baptist Church).
In 1953, the church completed its first building which was located on Buckhalter Road (now present day Montgomery Crossroad and Abercorn Extension). The church remained a mission until 1956, at which time it was constituted a church.
The church relocated from Montgomery Cross Road and Abercorn Extension to its present site on Middleground and Montgomery Cross roads in 1985.
In 2007 the church name was officially changed to The CrossRoad Baptist Church.
Our Statement of Faith…
The Holy Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God and is the basis for any statement of faith. This church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of “The Baptist Faith and Message” that was revised and adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention June 14th 2000.